Sunday, June 04, 2006

Just for today

What would we do without friends? I read all the blogs and I realize that everyone has friends that make their lifes so much richer. They are like a patchwork quilt. Every one is different, but they all fit together to make up our lives. Friends make you laugh, cry, giggle, love, hug, mad, frustratd, strong, faithful, honest, vulnerable, late, deaf, hungry,....
Wait a minute, had to raid the pantry on that last one. Munch, munch.
It always seems as though just when you thought you couldn't stand to go through another minute of ??? by yourself, a friend will call, e-mail, or stop by. Ever notice how many times in your day that a friend will do that?
I have friends that I have been close to as many as 30 years. That's over half of my lifetime. I'm sure that all of you have friends like that too. Well, maybe not that long because you're not that old. The reason why you do is because you ARE a friend. In order to have a good friend, you must be a good friend.
That's just my thought for today.


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