Friday, December 22, 2006

Just for today

Just for today
Why worry?
There are only two things to worry about.
Whether you are healthy or whether you are ill.
If you're healthy, you have nothing to worry about.
If you're ill, then you only have two things to worry about.
Whether you get better or whether you get worse.
If you get better, you have nothing to worry about.
If you get worse, you only have two things to worry about.
Whether you live or whether you die.
If you live, you have nothing to worry about.
If you die, you only have two things to worry about.
Whether you go to heaven or whether you go to hell.
If you go to heaven, you have nothing to worry about.
If you go to hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with your friends, you won't have time to worry.
So why worry!


I'm really trying to stay focused on what Christmas is really about. A time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. I can't get caught up in the commercialism because I don't have any money to purchase presents for friends or love ones. My children are all grown, so it's not like Santa Claus is coming here. I'm not a good cook, so baking cookies is out of the question. I'm not artsy crafty so makng something is out of the question. So I will bake Jesus a birthday cake. But it's really, really hard to fit 2,006 candles on it!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A picture is worth a thousand words

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the novel written by Richard Bach
in 1970 is about a young seagull's efforts to rise above the

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a bird not satisfied with being
merely a seagull. The other seagulls treat him as an outcast for
going outside the norm. In a flock where individuality is frowned
upon, Jonathan finds himself a loner and an outcast.

On the surface it appears to be a simple animal fable about a
seagull learning how to become the greatest flyer of all time. However,
the book is really about self-perfection and self-sacrifice.

After performing feats of tremendous courage and skill, Jonathan
is expelled from the flock. This gives him the freedom to develop
his skills, and in so doing he reaches a higher plane of achievement,
a heaven of sorts.

The lessons that Jonathan learns in his travels reflect both a
greater peace of mind and a freedom to be himself. He found a way
to to achieve more. And then he went back to teach others.

And now for the rest of the story.......

The picture on the wall is of an old sea captain surrounded by small children that he is sharing a tale with.

The aquarium does not contain fish but is actually used as a wishing well and the bottom is full of coins. (Sometimes you have to go outside the box)

The seagulls are ceramic that my sister taught me how to make. Something that I would never have attempted to try to do without her patience and guidence.

Picture Page, Picture Page...

I took these pictures yesterday and thought I'd share! I'm mastering the art of the self-portrait!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Decorating ideas

I'm taking a many of you throw speghetti up against the wall to see if it's done? I thought everyone did that. Rachel Ray does it. Angie and I were talking about it last night. It was always so much fun to have speghetti. She remembers when "someone" forgot to remove the pasta from the wall and it dried there. It was so stuck to the wall that it would peel the paint when we tried to remove it. My solution was just to paint over it. Instant deco art.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Just for today: Time

Just for today: HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Everyone together now.....
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Angie, Happy Birthday to you. And many more! (Sung really off key)
Did you know that I special ordered Angie from God?
Yep, it's true. Angie has grown up knowing that she was special ordered. And I love her this much...all the way behind my back. Happy Birthday!!!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This may be a long post because I have much to catch up on. But I will try to do just the outline of two months. If more info is needed, please comment.
ROAD TRIP also known as "Kodak" moments in my life.
Week 1 & 2 Ohio
Angie and Bob's wedding. The highlight of my life. I was truly amazed at how God planned the wedding. Lots of shopping, flowers, candles, table linens, and birdseed;
mom-in-law party; burning my fingers on the curling iron; Seeing my little girl in her wedding dress; Seeing the look in Bob's eyes when he saw her coming down the aisle; Watching them dance their first dance as husband and wife.

Spending time with my mom, niece and nephew, brother and sister-in-law; Going to play bingo with mom at the Senior Citizens Center; having my mom cook for me; laughing and shopping with my 9 year old niece (even though she is a tattle tale); going to a museum with my 14 year old nephew;teaching him how to play the "family song" on the piano; going to a flea market with my brother and sister-in-law; having steak at the Emmitt House in Waverly with my brother and his family; giving the kids bragging rights at school for going upstairs in the dark where it's haunted. Spending time with my Aunt Marion and my cousins on her 82nd birthday.

Week 3 Wilmington NC
Sitting up all night with my niece Susan talking and laughing; getting great big sloppy kisses from Sailor; going on a carriage ride at dusk; putting my feet in the Atlantic Ocean again; cheesburgers in paradise; meeting her friends; watching the sunset over the ocean; starting my book.

Week 4 Goldsboro NC
Shopping, shopping, shopping. Finding out what I have missed all these years with my sister; having my sister teach me how to put 27 layers of paint on ceramic seagulls; going to a sewing class then staying up till 1:30 in the morning sewing an oven door dress; meeting their friends; getting a great deal on a drill; pigging out on seafood salad; missing my sister.

Week 4-1/2 Charlotte NC
Happy Zone; Aunt BooBoo Bandaid; Being the "Rookie" at Lowe's Motor Speedway; Finding out how they paint the wall; making new friends; camping out when it's 36 degrees out; helping my niece and nephew with their homework; the neighbors; being so proud of my niece for her accomplishments in her career.

Week 5 Waverly, Dayton, Columbus OH
Spending time with my Mom; Picking pumpkins with my brother Bill; seeing "Tito Bill" in action; in awe of how my sister-in-law Ann can whip up a meal; having lunch at Marion's Pizza; missing my flight; seeing my first love for the first time in 30 years; getting a cell phone for the first time; being able to call a friend from the airplane to get a ride home from the airport; Comet jumping in 360 degree circles in the air when when I get home. Being home.

These are just fractional parts of the hightlights of my road trip. But the most important thing that I learned on this road trip is that the thing that creates "Kodak" moments in life is......time. Time is our gift from God. Time to spend with our family and friends. Time to make new friends. Time to learn. Time to cry. Time to love. Time to reflect. Time to pray. Time to make a difference. So remember that just for today, this is your "gift day" from God. Make is a "Kodak" moment.

Honey, I'm home!

Oh what a wonderful day!!!!! I'm back online. I have missed this more than anything else in my life. I feel like I have been cut off from the world for two whole months. I can't believe how important global communication has become to me. I feel truly blessed today. I have missed everyone terribly.