Monday, July 31, 2006

Just for today

Just for todayOkay folks..let's get this blogging going again. We have lots to talk about so let's get it going.

My grandson's name will be either Jacob Alexander Keechle (Carrie's choice) or Jackson Gillett Keechle (Alex's choice)So I guess that we shall refer to him as Jacob Alexander Jackson Gillett Keechle. I personally shall refer to him as my GRANDSON!!! He's so cute already. And so loved!

I'm getting anxious to get to Ohio. I'm ready to see all the family and friends. My mom is already planning on me helping her at the Senior Citizens center. She's really quite active there. They do a lot of arts and crafts for fundraising and fairs. The one thing that I really am not looking forward to though is BINGO. I really hate BINGO. But my Mama loves it, so O-66 I go. Bet you all are jealous that I'm going to be having all the fun.

At least this time it won't be cold and snowy when I'm there. I usually end up in OH at Christmas and folks..I don't know if you know this or not...but it is stinkin cold up there in the winter time. I mean you have to wear a real coat and everything all day long up there. I love being in TX in the winter. And it has actually been cooler here this summer than what it has been up there. Aaaahhh nothing beats living on the Gulf of Mexico. As long as we don't have to evacuate for a hurricane. That's another long story.

But Aug/Sept will be ideal there. This is a really happy time to be there and I don't have to rush. I "plan" to spend at least 6 weeks there. I hope to meet and spend time with a lot of you before the wedding. I feel that I already know and love you through Angie. Now I will be able to hug you myself.

I got a kick out of the pictures that you took, Brandi, of Angie trying on dresses. One of the looks was what I expected her to look like when she was younger if you ever mentioned marriage to her. Oh my gosh...this girl was dead set about ever getting married.

And then God sent her back to Ohio for Robert.

Ha!!!!!Such a blessing....

It is still going to be a thrill when I actually see her trying on dresses. "The" dress. I'm used to my boys getting married. It's totally different with my little girl. She always seems to amaze me what a wonderful, beautiful woman that she has grown to be.
Spoken like a true mom.

I will have pictures of the Lynard Skynard concert next week, so I'll ask Ang how to post them. Then you guys will see what kind of mother-in-law Robert is really getting. Insane but happy.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Just for today

Just for todayWell, it's been a week since I blogged and I know everyone was starting to miss me, so here I am again.
I haven't really needed my feet this week because they haven't touched the ground since I found out about "the engagement". Angie doesn't know this, but as soon as I get my next settlement check from Social Security, I am going to fly to Ohio to help her pick out her wedding dress which I insist on paying for. Everyone tell Angie not to give me a hard time about this. Angie told me before that when she got married all that she was going to allow me to do is show up at the wedding. Silly girl.
My flat goes another friend story. I finally got a SSI disability settlement check, so I had to break down and call one of my friends for help in fixing the flat tire. I was flat broke but had this big check in my hand. My best friend , Lana, brought me over a can of fix-a-flat on her lunch break. This should be easy right. Insert can into stem of flat tire and inflate. Well, the nozzle got stuck on the stem so I had to drive around with this can hanging out of the side of the tire down to the nearest air hose. I borrowed a pair of pliers to get the can off and put more air in the tire so I cold go cash my check so I could get my tire fixed. Okay, I'm rolling now. Everything's cool. I get a mile down the road and feel this flop, flop, flop. It's flat again. I'm still broke with this big check in my hand. And I still have a flat tire. I was stuck in front of my hair salon, so I went in to ask him if I could use the phone to call another friend to come help me put my donut spare on. They were busy and couldn't make it, so I walked back outside to try to do it myself. Another friend of mine was walking down the road and offered to do it for me. Now what's the odds that at that particular moment, that he would be walking down the road? Then my hair stylist came out and asked me if I would like to use his Mercedes to go cash my check. Wasn't that sweet? So the moral of the story is how many friends does it take for Mo to get her flat tire fixed? It takes a village to raise a Mo.
(PS, the tire was covered under warranty, so I really didn't need any money to fix it.)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Just for today

Just for today I miss Angie. I miss my family. I miss the fact that I will miss Angie and Robert coming home together. I miss my grandson. I love living in Texas, but today I just miss everyone. I feel really isolated today. I'm glad that I have my dog to keep me company.

I have a flat tire on my car. Now normally that would not be a big deal. I would just go out and change it. But I can't bend very well and I can't lift anything heavy. So that means that I have to call on one of my friends, again, to come to my rescue. I feel that my friends are getting tired of rescuing me. I would imagine that Angie probably felt that way a few times too. I feel that there is this huge sigh of relief with Robert coming home.

I just read Robert's blog and I'm so happy that they are having a great time. I know that this is like a once in a lifetime trip for Ang. Something tells me though, that I should get used to Ang & Robert being out and about around the world. They will experience a life together of many, many adventures. Places that most of us only read about in magazines or watch on TV. God has a plan for those two.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Just for today

Just for today
(Sung really off key)
Okay, NOW you're 52

My birthday was the 13th, my little sister's birthday was the 14th, and by older sister (see above) is the 15th

Thank you all for the birthday wishes.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Just for today: Just for today

Just for today: Just for today
Well, the concert was great. Everything that we could possibly hope for. We have soooo much fun! As soon as I get the pictures developed I will post them.
I'm back to being on the couch again. Dog days of summer.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Just for today

Just for today
Yes it is, no it isn't, yes it is, no it isn't, yes it is. it isnt. I got a letter in the mail the other day that said the biopsy was benign. Well...okay. I don't understand because the doctor and I discussed the tumor while she was doing the biopsy. We saw it on the screen as she was probing it with the needle. She couldn't draw any fluid out of it.She said that it was too hard and rubbery to be a cyst. She even asked me if I would come in and talk to other women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. I wish that I could get an actual tissue sample, but without insurance, that is not an option. I guess that I will just put this episode out of my mind and pretend that it never happened. I still haven't done anything about the spot that the doctors found in my back on the MRI that they said the cancer had matastizied in the bone.I just don't know what to believe now. I just know that I am still in a lot of pain.

I went back to smoking again. I lasted about 3 days without the patches. Too much stress and way too hungry. But the patches really do work. I did notice that I had really weird dreams while I was wearing them. Really WEIRD dreams.

Tammy, I understand about the couch being your best bud. I haven't been out of the house for a week. I've even loaned my car and dog out so at least they can have some sunshine. But, alas, my bud are going to part ways at least for the weekend. It is the "Funny old ladies with the blue flashing sunglasses at the Lynard Skynard concert" weekend.This weekend will make up for all the funk time. HaHaHaHaHa.

By now, I'm sure that Angie has told everyone that IKEA is shopping for a site to build in OH. Did you know that there is actually an IKEA fan club? I haven't figured out how to put links in here, but if you do a search for IKEA, it pops up there. I can't believe that Ang wasn't on their fan club list.

My mom is 29 yrs old (you have to believe her because she's been saying that for over 50 years and never changed her story)Anyway she's lives alone and she's not concerned about it because she is teaching her cat to dial 911. She saw a story on TV about a man who's dog dialed 911 and saved his life. So she's very confident that she can teach her cat to do the same. Now, my mom always taught us that you could do anything that you put your mind to. Can you picture this poor cat having to sit by the phone, everyday for an hour, practicing dialing 911??? Thank goodness, my little brother is on the rescue squad and lives nearby. Hang in there Little Kittie.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Just for today

Just for today
Well, I have a new name now. My official name is "DaDaMaMa". When we introduced me to Brian, (my sixteen month old grandson) we explained to him that I was Daddy's mommy as we pointed to each other. Well, I guess Brian thought that was my name, so there you go.
Thanks for posting the picture Ang. I thought about calling you back and asking you to do that, but all good minds think alike. I hope everyone enjoyed them. I have about 65 more pictures just on one disk and about another 24 on another. Still not enough. I have a whole lot of Kodak moments in my heart.
This was really a great trip. Joe and Natalie took time off of work so I got to spend time with my son, his wife, and my grandson separately and also together. My son and his wife got to "date" the week that I was there. They went to movies, dinner, and white water rafting. They had a blast. I got to stay home and play with Brian. They had a friend come over in the afternoon to get Brian so I could rest for a while. A sixteen month old child has way more energy than what I do. We went to the park everyday so he could have some fresh air and sunshine. My family doctor told the key to raising children: "All you have to do is give them lots of food, water, sunshine,love, hugs & kisses and they will grow up just fine". Simple but true. Give Brian a broom and he's a happy camper.
Okay, I'll share one Kodak moment. We were all out to dinner one night and just having basic conversation and all of a sudden, Brian looked over at me and said "I love you". There wasn't a dry eye at the table.
The pictures of the mountains are breath taking. Literally. We were at 11,900 ft at the Continental Divide. The air is so thin up there. And cold! See the snow! I know that I can go through anything now because I've been to the top of the mountain. In order to get to the top of the mountain, you must first walk through the valley.
Oh, I could just on and on, but I won't. Some things are meant to be kept in your heart.

Okay, I'll share ONE Kodak moment.