Saturday, July 22, 2006

Just for today

Just for todayWell, it's been a week since I blogged and I know everyone was starting to miss me, so here I am again.
I haven't really needed my feet this week because they haven't touched the ground since I found out about "the engagement". Angie doesn't know this, but as soon as I get my next settlement check from Social Security, I am going to fly to Ohio to help her pick out her wedding dress which I insist on paying for. Everyone tell Angie not to give me a hard time about this. Angie told me before that when she got married all that she was going to allow me to do is show up at the wedding. Silly girl.
My flat goes another friend story. I finally got a SSI disability settlement check, so I had to break down and call one of my friends for help in fixing the flat tire. I was flat broke but had this big check in my hand. My best friend , Lana, brought me over a can of fix-a-flat on her lunch break. This should be easy right. Insert can into stem of flat tire and inflate. Well, the nozzle got stuck on the stem so I had to drive around with this can hanging out of the side of the tire down to the nearest air hose. I borrowed a pair of pliers to get the can off and put more air in the tire so I cold go cash my check so I could get my tire fixed. Okay, I'm rolling now. Everything's cool. I get a mile down the road and feel this flop, flop, flop. It's flat again. I'm still broke with this big check in my hand. And I still have a flat tire. I was stuck in front of my hair salon, so I went in to ask him if I could use the phone to call another friend to come help me put my donut spare on. They were busy and couldn't make it, so I walked back outside to try to do it myself. Another friend of mine was walking down the road and offered to do it for me. Now what's the odds that at that particular moment, that he would be walking down the road? Then my hair stylist came out and asked me if I would like to use his Mercedes to go cash my check. Wasn't that sweet? So the moral of the story is how many friends does it take for Mo to get her flat tire fixed? It takes a village to raise a Mo.
(PS, the tire was covered under warranty, so I really didn't need any money to fix it.)


Blogger Aimee said...

I'm really glad that you got your tire fixed and that it was under warranty.

Don't you just love how God brings things together so well, like your friend walking by at the moment you needed help? And your stylist offering his car? God is so amazing.

7:32 AM  

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