Thursday, July 06, 2006

Just for today

Just for today
Yes it is, no it isn't, yes it is, no it isn't, yes it is. it isnt. I got a letter in the mail the other day that said the biopsy was benign. Well...okay. I don't understand because the doctor and I discussed the tumor while she was doing the biopsy. We saw it on the screen as she was probing it with the needle. She couldn't draw any fluid out of it.She said that it was too hard and rubbery to be a cyst. She even asked me if I would come in and talk to other women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. I wish that I could get an actual tissue sample, but without insurance, that is not an option. I guess that I will just put this episode out of my mind and pretend that it never happened. I still haven't done anything about the spot that the doctors found in my back on the MRI that they said the cancer had matastizied in the bone.I just don't know what to believe now. I just know that I am still in a lot of pain.

I went back to smoking again. I lasted about 3 days without the patches. Too much stress and way too hungry. But the patches really do work. I did notice that I had really weird dreams while I was wearing them. Really WEIRD dreams.

Tammy, I understand about the couch being your best bud. I haven't been out of the house for a week. I've even loaned my car and dog out so at least they can have some sunshine. But, alas, my bud are going to part ways at least for the weekend. It is the "Funny old ladies with the blue flashing sunglasses at the Lynard Skynard concert" weekend.This weekend will make up for all the funk time. HaHaHaHaHa.

By now, I'm sure that Angie has told everyone that IKEA is shopping for a site to build in OH. Did you know that there is actually an IKEA fan club? I haven't figured out how to put links in here, but if you do a search for IKEA, it pops up there. I can't believe that Ang wasn't on their fan club list.

My mom is 29 yrs old (you have to believe her because she's been saying that for over 50 years and never changed her story)Anyway she's lives alone and she's not concerned about it because she is teaching her cat to dial 911. She saw a story on TV about a man who's dog dialed 911 and saved his life. So she's very confident that she can teach her cat to do the same. Now, my mom always taught us that you could do anything that you put your mind to. Can you picture this poor cat having to sit by the phone, everyday for an hour, practicing dialing 911??? Thank goodness, my little brother is on the rescue squad and lives nearby. Hang in there Little Kittie.


Blogger Tammy said...

Hi Melena,
Lynard Skynard-wow! Good for you-that sounds like fun-your daughter forced me to break off my relationship with my sofa, over the holiday and I'm glad she did. We saw the Shakespeare play and I had a great time. When are you coming back to visit us? Stay well, and don't get arrested at the concert ;)

7:04 AM  
Blogger Mobea said...

Tada!!!! You are a renaissance woman. You're blogging! Blesss your hair on your chinny chin chin. I have them too. Actually, I believe mine is a full grown beard.
PS, I love being in my 50's. It even sounds cool. Like an oldie but goodie.

7:04 AM  
Blogger Aimee said...

Don't feel bad, ladies. I have a few sprouts, too. I tried electrolysis and I don't think it worked, so I quit wasting my money.

I didn't get mine until after I had a baby. Not only does having a baby do weird things to your tummy, it gives you chin hairs. lol.

But, the trade off is great! I wouldn't change anything. What's a little tweezing when you have the most precious gift in the world?

Melena~have lots of fun at the concert! Post pics if you can.

7:44 AM  

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